Account Alerts

Personalized account alerts that give you the information you need and make sure you're in the know.

Stay on top of account activity and monitor your balances.

You get alerts when your gas tank is low. You get alerts when the cost of a flight you want to book goes down. You even get an alert when your mom likes a picture on your social media account. With so many alerts triggering in your life, there's one you should be sure is set up - online and mobile Account Alerts.

Monitor good and less-good moments in your accounts, like when balances go below (or above) a certain level. You can also be notified when a purchase above a certain dollar amount is made, or when your password is changed. Get help managing your spending and give yourself an extra level of security as well. Choose to be notified via email, text message, or push notifications to your mobile phone so you can respond immediately.

You'll always be in the know with Account Alerts from Centreville Bank. Enroll and customize your alerts today through Online Banking or our Mobile Banking App.

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